In April 2022 I was just coming out of one of the longest bouts of depression I have experienced since I became sober over 15 years ago. Maybe even of my entire life. A friend invited me to do a 28 day gratitude practice through the book The Magic. I was not in the space to take on such a commitment, but I also knew that something had to change and fast. I have experience with manifesting through gratitude and using the Law of Attraction. It is how I conceived my first son and how I found the home we live in and so many other amazing gifts in my life - thank you, thank you, thank you. So I bought the book on Amazon immediately (Here is my Link to purchase the book)
I began apprehensively. I read the first 28 pages (This needed to be done before Day 1 of the practice). It instructs you to write all the things in your life you wish for yourself. It breaks that up into categories: health & body, career & work, money, relationships, personal desires, and material things. I do well with specific directions. So I got a pretty notebook (Not a requirement, but if you like, Dollar Tree has some beautiful ones). With some misgiving, I began to list each of the things I desired. It was almost scary to write down the things I truly desired. I felt fear that I didn't deserve them, or that they were unattainable to someone like me. Every day I committed time to this practice as it was laid out for me. I read the book out loud (I prefer a hard copy of a book) to my cats and my children. None of them were actively listening I’m sure, but I liked the idea that the whole house was going to benefit from it.
Very quickly things started to change for me. The very first thing I noticed in the first week was that I felt lighter and happier. This has always been my experience when I keep a regular gratitude list. The second week I had convinced myself to trust things were changing for the better in my life. My business started to thrive for the first time in over a year. The third week is when things started to really shift here. My husband had been working a job that was slowly killing him. He was working 90 plus hours a week. He would leave in the morning before kids got up and home after they went to bed. He was missing out on his life and ours. He could not sleep due to stress and exhaustion. On the Monday of that third week, he came home early from work, called another company, and secured a job interview for Tuesday. Wednesday of that week he gave his notice. He started that new job shortly after I completed The Magic. To learn more about what role The Magic played in this transition, join my group The Magic with Beyond the Gate and do this 28 day practice with me!
The Magic literally changed my life. After the 28 days I continued many of the practices. Of course life got busy and it got really good and I let the practices drop off. This month has been one of the best Octobers I have had in my 41 years, both personally and professionally. I want to keep that momentum going and I want and deserve more! I deserve more blessings and more happiness and more joy. And so do you. I know the Universe wants to spoil me and I’m claiming it NOW! I know The Magic can help me get there. The truth is, the more fulfilled and happy and joyful I am, the more money I make, the more my business and family thrives - the more available I can be to help my brothers and sisters in this world. So I invite you to join me. The Universe wants to spoil you too. You just have to know it. The Magic will help wake you up to the good in your world. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. Therefore being grateful for what you have will bring you more things to be grateful for. I'm so excited for this journey. Come along and join me because I want to see The Universe spoil you too!
